MySQL 无损复制
The rpl_semi_sync_master_wait_point
system variable controls the point at which a semisynchronous replication master waits for slave acknowledgment of transaction receipt before returning a status to the client that committed the transaction. These values are permitted:
(the default): The master writes each transaction to its binary log and the slave, and syncs the binary log to disk. The master waits for slave acknowledgment of transaction receipt after the sync. Upon receiving acknowledgment, the master commits the transaction to the storage engine and returns a result to the client, which then can proceed.AFTER_COMMIT
: The master writes each transaction to its binary log and the slave, syncs the binary log, and commits the transaction to the storage engine. The master waits for slave acknowledgment of transaction receipt after the commit. Upon receiving acknowledgment, the master returns a result to the client, which then can proceed.
The replication characteristics of these settings differ as follows:
, all clients see the committed transaction at the same time: After it has been acknowledged by the slave and committed to the storage engine on the master. Thus, all clients see the same data on the master.In the event of master failure, all transactions committed on the master have been replicated to the slave (saved to its relay log). A crash of the master and failover to the slave is lossless because the slave is up to date.
, the client issuing the transaction gets a return status only after the server commits to the storage engine and receives slave acknowledgment. After the commit and before slave acknowledgment, other clients can see the committed transaction before the committing client.If something goes wrong such that the slave does not process the transaction, then in the event of a master crash and failover to the slave, it is possible that such clients will see a loss of data relative to what they saw on the master
rpl_semi_sync_wait_point = after_sync 确定开始无损复制,after_sync 是在日志被slave接收并ack之后才提交的,只要没拿到ack信号,事务在master上是不会被客户端看到的。